The Workplace Watch Special Edition



Welcome to a special edition The Workplace Watch addressing the paradigm shift which is now unfolding in the workplace.

Partners by Design is presently working with Kenall, a lighting company, on an adaptation of a light that has already been a success in surgical suites killing germs on a continuous basis. Kenall is the first and only lighting manufacturer in North America to integrate ambient lighting with continuous environmental disinfection to this market.

The new design is for corporate office space.

“Indigo-Clean” is a disinfection technology that is patented by Kenall and is proven to kill harmful bacteria and some viruses. Using a combination of 405nm Indigo and White LEDs, Indigo-Clean emits a narrow spectrum of light that kills bacteria while providing ambient illumination for the space.

A dual mode system delivers blended white light when the room is occupied, and full 405nm indigo light when it is not. Unlike UV light, Indigo-Clean uses safe, visible light to automatically and continuously kill harmful bacteria in the air, and on hard and soft surfaces.

Both modes contain NO UV light waves and are safe for room occupants.

*This product presently targets and instantly kills germs, like bacteria’s. Clinical claims have been documented it works against viruses. These light fixtures are available in ceiling mounted troffer and downlight fixtures. The workstation mounted fixtures are in development.

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