Cindy Rumas

Project INTERIOR designer

  • Education:

    Purdue University

  • Disciplines:

    Interior Design
    Construction Management

  • “Design should be personal and appropriate for the client, but always making sure the design incorporates fun, unique details, and materials to keep the space interesting and relevant for those using it.”

    Getting to meet and engage with the individuals that will be using a space is Cindy’s favorite part of any project. As a Project Interior Designer, Cindy brings a background in corporate design, healthcare, and technology/laboratory experience to Partners By Design. Her skillful mastery of BIM & 3D visualization technology allows Cindy to bring the client’s visions to reality to get buy in and consensus ahead of construction. With over 6 years of experience, she is actively involved in all phases of a project, from concept design and construction documents to construction administration and post occupancy. Knowing that every client is different and design is all about the people, Cindy tailors every space to meet her client’s individual needs, work styles, and company culture.